The film is directed by The Amazing Spider-Man‘s Marc Webb and stars Zegler, Andrew Burnap, and Wonder Woman‘s Gal Gadot as the Evil Queen. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is based on the Grimm Fairy Tale of the same name and was originally adapted in 1937 by Disney, becoming the first-ever full-length feature animated film and a beloved classic in the genre.
The story tells of a maiden living with her stepmother, the Evil Queen, who is threatened by the young girl’s beauty. When a magic mirror tells the Evil Queen that Snow White is “the fairest of them all” the Evil Queen orders a Huntsman to take her to the forest and kill her. However, he cannot bring himself to do it and allows her to escape into the woods, where she is befriended by seven dwarfs who take her in and live harmoniously until the Evil Queen finds out she’s alive and attempts to kill her again with a poisoned apple. Related: Why Snow White Is Still The Best Disney Princess MovieĪs production is underway on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first look of Zegler in costume has been revealed (via More Butter), showing that Disney is adhering to the original classic princess design of the character. #STEVE AND FRIEND AMERICAN DAD GAY CARTOON PORN MOVIE#.